Magdalene was one of twelve children that Anthony had with his Scottish wife, Isabella. Anthony Lazzaroni was born in Lugga, Italy in 1815 and migrated to Edinburgh around 1840. On the 1851 census he is described as a straw figure maker, and other documents state he produced classical and religious statuary and busts. I presume this explains the pigeon, which was the oddity that caught my eye when I took this!

Found in Canongate Kirkyard

We’re into the final week, doesn’t time fly during a Squares month. If you have not yet joined in the fun of the Squares Challenge, we are looking for square photographs that are;

  • Differing from the usual or not happening often (ie oddballs, the exceptions and follies)
  • Separated from its set or mate (eg odds and ends or maybe odd socks or shoes)
  • Not divisible exactly by two (ie odd numbers) or the number is unknown (ie 300 odd birds)
  • Or simply something that you find odd, afterall oddness like beauty is in the eye of the beholder

86 thoughts

  1. I wonder what a straw figure maker is. That is a bit of an oddity now. There must have been some significance in the 1860s about pigeons and death. I think of them as messenger carriers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is such an unusual job title isn’t it – but basically it meant he created these sculptures

      I think you are right about the pigeons, someone else wondered if in fact it is a dove

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I know it was common to lose children moreso during different years – and even if the mid to late 1800s had their common share of loss, it still was likely never easy to lose a child or family member – and this beautiful capture – of this odd and unique graveyard scene – really captured essence and vibrancy of artifacts that helped honor the dead and consoled the living.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you about remembering and loss – I would have stayed longer in the churchyard but it was pouring with rain at the time. Hopefully one of these days I will return and have a proper explore

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  3. The memorial mentions children, so I wonder if there were other names on the other sides, and I suspect that’s a dove? A dove lying dead symbolizes a life cut prematurely short.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think you and Margaret are spot on about the dove. And yes apparently there are other names, but at the time it was bucketing with rain and I decided I had had enough so didn’t notice them. A good excuse to return and take a proper look another day


    1. Glad you liked this one, and yes it is an unusual choice of bird although someone has since suggested to me maybe it is a dove?


  4. That’s really very touching and sweet to put a thing she loved on her stone. Almost Egyptian in trying to make the afterlife more friendly. I do believe it IS a dove. It certainly looks like all my pictures of doves.

    I finally have something I can post for tomorrow. I really don’t have a lot of odd pictures. AND WP has made it really hard for me to find the photos I already have on file. it’s a rough combination. Nonetheless, i took a couple of pictures today that will appear (like magic!) tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes I think he was successful in his work but making memorials was part of his work so suspect that’s why he could afford it


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