I may be squaring trees daily but if a daily tree square won’t leave you enough time to stop under a palm tree, then why not just pop in occasionally with your #TreeSquares. Afterall the only absolute rule for joining in with Squares is that your photograph must be square in shape! Although I’d love it if you also left a comment on my post, conversations make the challenge so much fun.

‘May you never be too busy to stop and breathe under a palm tree’

150 thoughts

  1. I may have a palm or two for you. They can be a bit much in a garden though, my son has had to cut down several golden cane palms in his garden in Queensland as they grow to be monsters!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Becky B, we have palm trees here, but not a yard full of them. My husband loved palm trees. At our California home, he planted 6 queen palms and several other types that were volunteers.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. very odd isn’t it – have you set up for daily emails? If so wondering if the notifications are coming through at the end of my day?!


      1. I don’t even get your posts in order. I get older ones after newer ones and sometimes, I don’t get any. It may just be the big time gap, but still, I get a lot of stuff from all over the world. But yours is really erratic for some reason. For example, I just got ALL responses to your comments in one batch — about 10 minutes ago. Weird. And it might be my unstable ISP. They NEVER admit it’s them.


  3. I’m still not getting your posts. I checked the reader and you are listed. I get lots of other posts, just not YOURS. Anyway, I found this one through Cee’s post and put it up today because who knows about tomorrow with a hurricane on the way! That might bring all the cable lines down — or the trees near them. I hope they are wrong and the whole thing goes out to sea.



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