Once the words ‘brightly coloured’ appeared in front of me, I immediately recalled this octopus. I first shared it with you back in 2017. So that will mean many of you have not met it before, so if you have a moment why not enjoy more photographs and learn about the artist in my original post, which you will find here.

And if you have not yet joined in with squares, why not join us today. All I ask is that your image has 4 equal sides, and that it reflects the theme of bright.. You can visit our square galleries for inspiration or use one of these words;

sparkling, polished, shining, clever, cheerful, colourful, astute, brilliant, sunny, glorious, translucent, distinct and clear

141 thoughts

  1. What a unique and interesting piece of art! And what a lot of work went into it.

    I finally got my drive cleaned up and could download the photos we took on Monday. There are a lot of them, so it will take me some time to get them organized. I’m just glad I have a functional hard drive again. I felt very constrained realizing I couldn’t put any new pictures on the drive.


  2. It’s a very knowing octopus, seen from this perspective. I’m quite interested in them – how they recognise people and squirt the ones they don’t like and can escape through a hole as long as they can get their eye through it. That must be very handy.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful colorful mosaic! The close-up with all the individual tiles allows an appreciation of the intricacy of the artwork. I clicked on the link and looked at all the photos. I wonder how long it took the artist to create that entire octopus? Such creativity!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, the time it must have taken. I presume she had help – otherwise what a task for one person. Thank you for visiting the original 😀


    1. oh i am so glad you are enjoying squares. Know what you feel about ti coming to an end but there will be another one in July to look forward to 🙂

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