A walk in the countryside in the autumn can soon fill your cupboards if you know what to pick and don’t mind imperfections and insects!

I was tempted to follow in Cee’s and David’s footsteps and make this a numbers of a kind, however whilst I could count the apples and blackberries, I couldn’t actually make up my mind how many hawberries there were. So instead I have reverted to my original title as we were foraging at the time, and look I even found the spirits section!

Almost Sloe Gin!

If you are also enjoying walks in the countryside or even visits to the supermarket then why not join us for Squares too. I am sharing a square daily, you can do the same or join us weekly or even just pop in occasionally with your squares. The frequency of your squares depends on you and your blog. Here’s how to join in the fun;

  1. Take a square photograph of something that reflects the theme
  2. Create your post for any day in October, and pingback to one of my daily squares
  3. Include the theme’s tag – KindaSquare
  4. Leave a comment on my post as well as your link
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106 thoughts

  1. Those blackberries look ripe for the pickin’! My sister-in-law made some blackberry jam this summer. I got 1 jar and it was so amazing that Frank let me have the whole thing. She only made a few jars. Then for my birthday last month, her hubby gave up one of his last 2 jars as a gift to me. I’m still working on it but it is almost gone! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true 🙂

      btw I have edited your link again. Looks like you are copying your url when you are still editing you brilliant post rather than after it has been posted. The pingback is working fine


    1. Really is 😀

      ooh fingers crossed i count correctly!! I missed a non square yesterday on another post so beginning to think I am losing it!!!


  2. Those sloes look delicious. I pick blackberries, raspberries and wimberries as I walk, but am a bit more reluctant with apples. I finally scrumped one from under a tree I had been watching the other day. They were all just falling and being left to rot. It was opposite the backs of a row of houses growing on the edge of a wild, quite boggy patch, awkward enough to get to that nobody had bothered. I felt 30% naughty for taking it and 70% pleased that at least one of the apples was going to be eaten.

    Here’s mine for today: https://susanrushton.net/2020/10/15/wild-foxgloves-digitalis-purpurea/


  3. I really enjoy the walk in the countryside! Here we have the farms that open their doors for the picking up season. We pay a small fee, get a basket and harvest as much as we can. It starts in the spring with the berries and ends now in the fall with the pumpkins, potatoes…., but not this year! The pandemic has ended with this kind of fun!

    Liked by 1 person

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