Are you a kindred spirit whose imagination has been kindled by this month’s Squares? My youngest godson and his elder brother were certainly intrigued by this sculpture as they tried to work out what it was. It was easy to see the facial features and head from a distance, but up close they were imagining so many other fabulous things. Spending time with them, and my other godsons and granddaughter is always motivating.

By the way it’s World Mental Health Day today, so if you haven’t already please give a friend or family a call and check to see how they are doing, or send them a text if you prefer. Once you have checked in on them why not take a hour or two to be kind to yourself and take a walk outside. Nature can be both healing and motivating, and who know you might find some fabulous art, sculpture or trees to kindle your imagination. Let me know how you get on.

Perhaps you could share in a square, after all kinda anything goes this month as long as your photograph is square in shape. Here are a few ideas to get you started;

  • Something of the kind (similar to something or even a carbon copy)
  • Our imagination kindled (inspire us!)
  • Of its kind (a unique object or an example of something such as a flower or bird)
  • Two of a Kind (or one, or three or multiple!)
  • Kindred spirits (kindness in action or photographs of people)
  • Take kindly to (something you like)

This is a daily challenge, but as regular squares know I am flexible on this. You can post all 31 squares in one go at the end of the month, join us weekly or even pop in occasionally with your squares. The frequency of your posts really depends on you and your blog, although of course I’d love it if you joined in daily. For more information on how to participate visit the official challenge page.

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