Squares is a daily challenge, but as regular squares know I am flexible on this. You can post all 31 squares in one go at the end of the month, join us weekly or even pop in occasionally with your squares. The frequency of your posts really depends on you and your blog, although of course I’d love it if you joined in daily. It is not just frequency I am relaxed about this month, I am pretty tolerant on content too as kinda anything goes this month as long as your main photograph is square in shape!

Are you ready to join our wonderful Squares community? If you have not participated before, here are the official rules but first why not explore some truly fabulous squares to inspire you. Yes it is it time for the second KindaSquares gallery.

Regular squarers I am sure have already poured themselves a large cup of coffee or tea, but if you haven’t got one beside you then I recommend you take a pause and go and make one now.

  • Just in case anyone hasn’t got enough cake to go with their cup of something here’s some more baked goods and fruit!
  • Keep an eye though on your cake as there are fabulous snails, mischievous imps and friendly nutkins about
  • No wonder it kinda feels like we are in a dream; there is cuteness and quirkiness in every direction

We have had a few non squares sneak in over the past week or so, one so clever I even missed it! It is not that I dislike oblongs with their unequal adjacent sides, in fact they are how I normally photograph. This challenge however is all about square photography (and square crops). So before you post please remember whilst every square is a rectangle only four equal sides make a rectangle a square!

Squares is such a fun challenge. It truly is an honour to host squares for you. I hope that you are able to spare the time to visit at least one square in every room, and maybe some of you could join the ranks of the super squarers and visit every square in the gallery. Remember you don’t have to do it all in one sitting!

  • You can always take a nap during a gallery post, catch up with the kids or go for a lovely autumnal walk
  • Or perhaps you would prefer to fly a kite or bake a cake or even enjoy some anise!
  • Whatever you do the murals and gallery will be here waiting for your second visits, no wonder so many of us are singing

Like the first, this second week of squares have been extraordinary and so very kind. Your diverse interpretations of kind have been keeping me going over the past two weeks. Thank you also to everyone who leaves a comment and visits fellow squarers.

As always during a month of squares time seems to speed up, although there have been occasions this month when time has stood still. This year is such a strange one. I do hope everyone is okay, and that there are more good days than difficult ones. Sending hugs to you all, and lots more squared kindness in our final gallery room.