Grief is messy and definitely isn’t linear. Everyone mentions firsts and anniversary days but the reality is that even an ordinary day can change from okayish to **** in an instant. The ‘little’ things in life are daily and sometimes are the hardest. They catch you unawares and can be as simple as closing the curtains, to fixing something in the house, to tidying a drawer, to attending a vaccination appointment, and even to peeling a swede!

The little things are a daily reminder that grief cannot be fixed, and time doesn’t heal. However I know grief does eventually change, and in time I will grow a life around my loss. For the next year or so though it is about learning to live with grief and my changed world. Getting outside helps. It isn’t always easy but is nearly always a positive step. It helps build resilience, and can even stop a hard day from becoming a day of anguish. Watching clouds, listening to and observing birds, and walking in nature mostly does settle the mind and body. I am very fortunate that I am able to get outside daily and walk.

I am also fortunate that so many of you have been joining me this month walking and blogging. Hobbies are a great distraction, and are another thing my counsellor is encouraging me to do. So if you have not yet joined the Squares gang on a walk why not do so this week. It is really easy. First create your square post, and include a pingback to one of my daily square posts and also the theme tag WalkingSquares. I will visit you, hopefully the same day but please do bear with me if it is few days before I respond to comments or squares.

67 thoughts

  1. Those who have grieved close personal loss will so relate to your words “grow a life around loss” a this is what organically happens whether you realize it or not.
    I am glad that the “squares” are helping as hobbies do and the walking we are all doing for the squares is good for every one of us. Take care of yourself. Now I am off to look up a swede – is it me?


  2. Hi Becky, I’m so pleased you are to get outside and walking daily. I’m sure the weather isn’t always cooperative though with your winter looming. Down here it’s the heat that’s gearing up, so my walks have returned to an early am ritual. I don’t mind, it leaves the rest of the day for any number of activities like gardening – so long as I stay out of the Sun when the UV is brutal. Have a great day – thinking of you.


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