We made it back to Portugal despite the best efforts of a hold door refusing to open*. I even took a few photos during the flight yesterday which means I have something for Brian’s ‘Last on the Card‘.

* better than it refusing to close I thought!!

42 thoughts

  1. Not fair having excellent Last Photos Becky. Glad you arrived safe and are settled in despite the technical hitch. Thanks for joining in 🙂 🙂

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      1. It’s a billion dollar disaster. We’re not affected at all and thankfully none of our extended family and friends are either. But poor Brisbane is a mess. And it’s passed south through New South Wales and is now over Sydney causing more havoc. The worst thing for our family is my sister and husband who’ve been without power since Monday. But we’re all alive, our homes are undamaged and all will be well. We have nothing to complain about.


      2. so glad all of your friends and family are okay, hope your sister gets power back soon. Hugs from Portugal xx


  2. Not so good when you are getting off the plane though. My daughter and I were stuck at Gatwick for 4 hours waiting for our hold luggage coming back from Barcelona – it was midnight before we had our luggage and I still had to drive home! Nice photos though.


    1. Oh no that’s horrendous. Think I was judt grumpy we were all left in a tiny glass holding bay with no seats. Some passengers were struggling, but nothing like your experience.


    1. thanks, amazing what the phone can do 🙂

      I needed though a cloth to move the smudge on the outside of the window. Was really annoying me!!

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    1. More of a case of not being allowed to board! Stuck in a glass holding bay at Bournemouth for ages whilst we waited for them to clear the incoming plane of luggage.

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