You may recall from the #TreeSquare announcement back in June that I mentioned I could have a different tree in my garden for every day of this month’s Squares challenge. A couple of garden trees have already appeared but today I thought I share a collection. These are not every tree as we really do have over 30, but hopefully they will give you a flavour of the forest I have out there! More garden trees will follow tomorrow.

If you happened to click on the galleries you will have seen from the titles that many of the trees have been allowed to grow after self seeding. Some of the self seeds have been unexpected such as the oak. The walnut is from Mum, another self seed which I hope in 15 ish years will be bearing fruit!

137 thoughts

    1. Sometimes it feels like too many but mostly yes feel very lucky to have them all around us. Homes for so much wildlife and of course great air for us

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