This is a gold body-chain, and whilst often seen in Hellenistic and Roman art actual examples are rare. It is likely to only ever have been worn once by the young woman or teenage girl for whom it was made. Only five of the gems at the front have survived, there were originally nine. At the back where the chains join together there is a coin within a decorated mount, it dates back to AD 367-83. I came across it at the British Museum.

152 thoughts

  1. Remember being a little girl and thinking that anything sparkly was obviously valuable? And discovering that sparkle is not value — and value often lacks sparkle.

    I’m still waiting for my new hard drives to show up and until they do, I can’t even download the photos we took today. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. Warm as early summer with sky so blue. And then, the clouds rolled in.

    It’s snowing in New York and likely to be snowing here soon enough. Such a strange spring. But at least we had one really lovely day. If tomorrow is winter’s last blow, we might get a week or two of spring. We live in hope.

    Is that piece of jewelry from the Troy collection that vanished? I know a few pieces survived, but all the rest disappeared and was never found again.


      1. Totally unsafe around thugs. I’m sure they had thugs in those days, too. Maybe not as many, or maybe the women did not go out without an escort.

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