The great thing about squares is that it enables you to share photographs that might otherwise never made the light of day. I do love this one, but in the landscape version the sun’s rays are too bright!

If you haven’t already joined us for squares I would love it if you did the same. However if daily sounds too daunting, don’t worry. It is okay to join us weekly or even just pop in occasionally with your squares. The frequency of your squares depends on you and your blog. All I ask is that your image has 4 equal sides, and that it reflects the theme of bright.

I love receiving comments as well as a pingbacks on my square posts, and it would be fantastic if you were able to find a few minutes to visit at least one other squarer. Together, with the tag BrightSquare, we can support each other and be;

sparkling, polished, shining, clever, cheerful, colourful, astute, brilliant, sunny, glorious, translucent, distinct and clear

141 thoughts

  1. Three of my pictures are reruns in compensation for having lost the original files of the tulips — oh a long, long story. I did add a couple of new ones, though. Now I’m going to buy a brand new high quality backup drive because my D drive is almost full. I can’t even take anymore pictures until I offload a few years of photographs.

    I love your flying gulls and that great shining sun! All these beach shots. Maybe one day …

    Liked by 1 person

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