Today, for One Word Sunday, Debbie is encouraging us to think about red or even read. So I thought I’d follow in Debbie’s footsteps with both. I took these about this time last year in The People’s Story Museum in Edinburgh.  There were red books to read everywhere!

Edinburgh was once ‘the centre of printing’, and in the early 20th century the Edinburgh printing industry was unusual because of the high number of women employed as compositors or typesetters. It was one of the better paid professions in the city. Women were also employed in large numbers as bookbinders although generally they made to focus on the semi-skilled tasks such as folding, gathering, collating and stitching rather than the more highly paid and skilled arts of applying gold leaf.

31 thoughts

  1. Long time since I visited this museum, and quite a long time now since I visited Edinburgh. Weird to think that a city to which I hopped on the train several times a year is currently out of bounds. Gather from comments you’ve not been well: hope you are feeling better now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Our world is do strange 😕

      I’ve got a fishbone stuck behind a wisdom tooth. Invisible to dentist and me, but is making talking and eating challenging!


  2. Excellent! You had a very productive visit to Edinburgh last year, Becky. I go a lot and you still got to places I haven’t been 😀 this looks a great display and you have captured a lot of us.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You stopped too soon- I wanted to read more 🙂 🙂 No, seriously! With things so highly computerised these days it’s a fascinating process. Mick’s Dad was in the printing trade, but I never met him. Hope you’re feeling better today? Life! Sending gentle hugs…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hee hee, I thought I’d listen to everyone and keep it short today!!! It is fascinating

      Thanks for the hugs, need them today it’s worse than usual, think my removal plan must be working!!!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Who knows why I clicked ‘like’. I don’t ;like; to think about your pain and discomfort. Chin up! Unless that hurts too… Great post. Edinburgh is high on the list for early travel plans, post New Normal, and you and Debbie are providing a long ‘must-visit’ list.

        Liked by 2 people

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