Cinereous Vulture

Whilst I might love it if you did, you don’t need to share daily in October. You can post all 31 in one go at the end of the month, join us weekly or even pop in occasionally with your squares. The frequency of your posts depends on you and your blog. The theme is kind, which means kinda anything goes this month.

Today I have gone for the enormous kind, also known as the Eurasian black vulture or Cinereous Vulture, the largest ‘Old World’ vulture. You may wish to go for some other kinds, such as;

  • Something of the kind (similar to something or even a carbon copy)
  • Our imagination kindled (inspire us!)
  • Of its kind (a unique object or an example of something such as a flower or bird)
  • Two of a Kind (or one, or three or multiple!)
  • Kindred spirits (kindness in action or photographs of people)
  • Take kindly to (something you like)

I know last week there were a few shocks for those of you still using classic editor because of the automatic transfer to block editor. I am in awe you kept going during the transition. You are amazing, and in a few weeks (well maybe six) you will probably begin to like block! To help you on your way here’s the link to the block editor guide I shared back in May.

130 thoughts

  1. I’d love to see your vulture in person! I wrote my post before visiting as I always do. Guess we are bird brains on this one because I posted our one of kind lovebird that we once had. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you are ever in Hampshire, England you can see one in person! The hawk Conservancy, an amazing bird of prey sanctuary, has quite a few vultures including one of these. They fly them daily, amazing to watch

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    1. You are not alone in changing your mind. I love them, and as you have highlighted they are amazing birds cleaning up the earth. We really need them. They have such personalities too, I have been fortunate enough to fly a few

      Liked by 1 person

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