As you all liked my post about Dad last week I thought I would start with him today on the first day of October Squares. He’s with his kindred spirits in this picture. I wonder if you can a) spot him and b) guess the profession?!

I’ve inherited the quiff!

I am so looking forward to October’s benevolent cataloging of squares; a month of kindred spirits kindling their imagination and sharing kindness and kindly comments. Clare has already started with beautiful kindness. To help you with your titles and kind collections here are some ideas you may wish to consider;

  • Something of the kind (similar to something or even a carbon copy)
  • Our imagination kindled (inspire us!)
  • Of its kind (a unique object or an example of something such as a flower or bird)
  • Two of a Kind (or one, or three or multiple!)
  • Kindred spirits (kindness in action or photographs of people)
  • Take kindly to (something you like)

This is a daily challenge, but as regular squares know I am flexible on this. You can post all 31 squares in one go at the end of the month, join us weekly or even pop in occasionally with your squares. The frequency of your posts really depends on you and your blog, although of course I’d love it if you joined in daily. 

Are you ready to join in the fun? If you have not played with Squares before, here’s how to participate in October;

  1. Take a square photograph of something that encapsulate the word ‘kind’
  2. Create your post for any day in October, and pingback to one of my October squares
  3. Include the theme’s tag – KindaSquare
  4. Leave a comment on my post as well as your link
  5. Whether you post squares or not, be a kind member of the Square team and make time to visit others and the square galleries

All you really though need to remember is that kinda anything goes this month as long as your photograph is square in shape!