We’re often encouraged to look at the bigger picture, but on murky days in the middle of a damp British summer and pandemic sometimes more beauty is to be found at our feet.

MrB and I though were so happy to be out walking at Danebury the other week, we didn’t really mind the weather. What is your perspective today?

127 thoughts

  1. This has been THE weirdest year in my lifetime. We haven’t been outside much and right now, it’s so hot no one WANTS to go outside. Bad air quality, too.


    1. oh that’s not good having bad air quality on top of all of this, and doesn’t help those most at risk of Covid19 either. It is such strange times and the leadership in our respective countries doesn’t help 😦

      Thank goodness for photography and the blogging world!


      1. Move to another country and complain about the weather there! Mind you, we’re supposed to have a hurricane coming through on Sunday so I might really have something to complain about.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well, It’s still on track and still hurricane force winds, but passing a bit north of the island currently. I suspect it will be wet and windy here, but nothing too out of the ordinary. June through November is hurricane season here, but in the eight years I’ve lived here I think Britain has had more bad storms then we have.


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