You’ve seen this before, but I just had to include it again as it was a ‘bolt from the blue’ when I spotted it. Unfortunately though it doesn’t work brilliantly as a square so why not check out my original post here.

Blue cat Porto

88 thoughts

  1. I didn’t know if there was a new one today, but I used yesterday’s since I didn’t get to it before. This Garry in blue by the dam in “downtown” Uxbridge, downtown being a bit of a misnomer.

    That’s a great wall painting! Amazing what some people can do with spray paint and a wall!

    Here’s the shortlink, but it won’t work until a bit after our midnight (EDT). Not sure what the time difference is.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are very lucky when we are in Portugal as it seems to be a way of life there.

      I will be there in a moment to see yours, taking me a while to catch up today

      Liked by 1 person

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