We were heading out one day in Lisbon to meet up with friends, when we took a left turn instead of a right. Didn’t take us long to realise our mistake, but fortunately we didn’t retrace our steps before we discovered this wonderful mural.Lisbon roofs in tiles

41 thoughts

  1. So beautiful. I think I may have been next to one of those pink houses and there was a mural on the walls of a tiny square. I shall have to do a series of Lisbon photos. I haven’t really posted many of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s certainly true . . . . I was just beginning to get cross with myself that I had misread the map when I saw it, and I was then delighted I had had one of my rare map moments!


      1. I presume they did it like they do all tile mosaic tiles paint each one individually. They usually draw the design on paper, and then place the paper over the tiles to mark it before painting.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It is tiles . . . . I presume (see other comment) they have done it the same way as they produce all of their classic blue murals.


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