How many corners in my entry this week for Cee’s Black and White Challenge?

The Great Kitchen at Kew Palace
The Great Kitchen at Kew, London

Too many corners to count, me thinks! The corner of the table you can see is the original 12ft elm table which was made for the kitchen when it was fitted out in 1737. The spits on the fire was turned by the smoke jack. A smoke jack works by heat rising from the fire turning a fan inside the chimney – ingenious! The range could be adjusted for different sized items, and on the wall remain the original spit rests. This was clearly a state of the art kitchen in the 18th century when commissioned by Prince Frederick, eldest son of George II and the Prince of Wales. I was going to say a kitchen fit for a king, but Frederick never became king despite being heir apparent. He died in 1751 and it was his eldest son, George who became King.


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