This is such a great idea because there are no trophies simply the opportunity to be discovered and to discover.  How fabulous is that.

A big big thank you to Sandy of the lovely ‘Scribbles & Musings‘ and to Mary Lou of beautiful MLou’s Photography Blog for nominating me for the Liebster Award.  If you have not come across this award before then it is an award for new or undiscovered bloggers.  The clever thing about it is that as well as promoting in our own communities the undiscovered, the nominator gets to ask 11 questions of 5 to 10 bloggers they would like to know more about.  I loved one of the questions that Sandy was asked by steelcityman who rightly nominated her and MaryLou who was also asked by Sandy – What is the simplest thing that makes you smile?  I’m with you Sandy on those sheets!

If like me you had not heard of it before today, then here are Rules for the Liebster Award:

Once you are nominated,

  • Make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
  • Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
  • Nominate 5 -10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
  • Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
  • Answer the eleven questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make eleven questions of your own for your nominees or you may use the same questions.
  • Lastly, COPY these rules in your post.

Simple isn’t it, and as I said at the start the best thing is you get to meet new bloggers too.  I’ve spent a lovely hour or two visiting fellow nominees. Thanks again ‘Scribbles & Musings‘ and MLou’s Photography Blog – I feel so honoured that you have both nominated me today.

So . . . finally I hear you gasp . . .  here are the questions I was asked by Sandy and MaryLou.
A few more than 11 as I was nominated twice, and they are such great questions I had to answer them all!

  1. If you could meet one famous person, who would it be? Sir Patrick Stewart because I want to say thank you to him.  He’s also a great actor and a patron of Dignity in Dying.
  2. If you could time-travel, what time period would you like to visit? Ooh good question, I’m not sure!  Perhaps the Regency Period in England.
  3. What would your ideal day consist of? Chatting with friends as we walk along an empty beachPortugal 103 the sea and then enjoying an amazing dinner cooked for me
  4. What is the simplest thing that makes you smile? Such a great question this.  One that comes immediately to mind is watching Septimus chase his tail.
  5. How many times have you fallen in love? Only once although at other times I thought I was! The one and only time is with my husband – Robert.
  6. What would be your dream job? I’ve been lucky enough to have worked in a variety of settings, and the things that have made me happy are flexible working pattern, little or no commute, autonomy, working across all levels of an organisation and the feeling I’m making a difference to the lives of others. So dream jobs for me include all of that.
  7. Who do you look up to or who inspires you? My mum and watching how brilliantly she is caring for my dad who has Alzheimers.
  8. What is your favourite season and why? Spring because life is starting, the colours are beautiful and it is when my Birthday is!
  9. wpid-20150812_143714.jpgWhat book(s) can you read over and over again? Georgette Heyer – I have them all, secreted on a shelf by my bed and I read them again and again.
  10. Android or iPhone….which goes nicely with PC or Mac? Android with a PC because that’s what I have always had.
  11. What was your favourite game or toy as a child? Playing a game in the garden with my family.
  12. What’s the very first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Tell my mum and dad!
  13. If you had a chance to live in outerspace would you go? ooh interesting question, not sure I’d want to live there but would like to see Earth from outerspace.
  14. Where would you like to retire? Somewhere beside the sea
  15. What is your all time favourite food? oh crikey where do I start.  So many things I love.  Not sure I have an all-time favourite but do miss marmite on toast, chocolate and green vegetables if I don’t have them for a while. Not all at the same time mind!

And finally here’s the most important bit I would like to nominate

A House in the Algarve – beautiful pictures and lovely tales following their move from London’s East End to the Algarve.

Beastie Blog – everytime I visit this blog it makes smile. The monsters Helen makes are incredible.

Murder She Read – we met via twitter yet live in the same town! Great place to go for when you are looking for a murder mystery recommendation.

Country Garden – if you love gardening or even just looking at gardens Gillian’s blog is beautiful.

Everyday Ramblings – Sachie is a fabulous new blogger I came across through Blogging 101.  I’m with her on the supporting women.

Meg Sorick, writes better than she dresses – her writing is lovely to read but don’t be fooled she dresses lovely too.

I do hope you will also take part and anyone else who finds this post!  If you do decide to, then here are your 11 questions:

  1. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  2. What’s your favourite book from your childhood?
  3. If I had a time machine, which period of time or place would you travel to right now?
  4. What was the last film you watched, and who did you watch it with?
  5. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
  6. What is the best thing about you?
  7. When you were little what did you want to be?
  8. If we had to compete at something right now, what activity are you confident you can beat me at?!
  9. Of the posts you have written, which is your favourite?
  10. What has made you smile this week?
  11. If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be?

Keep Blogging everyone!

14 thoughts

  1. Dear Becky, thanks so much for nominating me. I’m delighted that you found my blog and liked it. I’m learning a lot from yours too, not least about the world of bloggers. Your passion for end-of-life rights strikes a deep chord with me too. And I long to answer your questions. (Lark or owl? Neither! Dormouse!) But I’ve decided not to pursue the nomination. Two reasons. 1. It means introducing a new style of post to my deliberately simple and anonymised blog. 2. I love the serendipity that might bring someone by chance to my blog, but I don’t especially want to push it out there. I’m a blogging introvert! I hope you don’t mind. Do keep blogging! Thanks again, and best wishes, Edith

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It IS a nice way to meet people, isn’t it? 🙂 I have to say I avoid these a bit these days because I can’t physically visit any more people than I already do. But I did think that I might just take a peak at Country Garden.
    Nice to see you on here, Becky 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These were great questions….I may “borrow” a few since I was also so privileged to be nominated. Do you know how to determine who has less than 200 followers? Every once in a while I see how many followers a person has….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Please do . . . . and I found them through The Reader. If you use The Reader to find the ones you want to nominate, then click on the name beside the picture it will bring up all of their posts in The Reader, and at the top it says how many followers they have! Make sure you click on name as otherwise you will go through to their actual blog.

      Liked by 1 person

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