Just over two months ago my life changed irrevocably in an instant, no wonder I am still adrift. It is not just grief I need to grow around, I also have to heal from the trauma.

I am fortunate as I have a wonderful supportive community around me to draw upon, including close friends, family and a bereavement counsellor. Thanks to them and their continued regular contact as well as understanding I have been able to find the strength to bring some routine into my life. There are even odd moments on grey days when I can appreciate the beauty and joy around me.

Some hours though, and occasionally whole days, are simply overwhelming, and the pain of grief means nothing much happens. And that is absolutely fine. There are no rules about grief, there are no must dos and most importantly there are no time scales. Every grief journey is unique, and it is what it is.

42 thoughts

    1. Thank you so much for getting in touch, and sending hugs to you as guessing you are on this weird grief journey too.


  1. It’s awful the way grief takes hold. I’m so pleased you have caring people around you at this time Becky. Take care xx


  2. Your words are so true Becky, everyone’s grief is different. So pleased you have a great support network around you in real-life and for those of us who know you virtually, remember we are here for you and just a click away. Take care Becky and sending you virtual hugs xx


  3. Sending you a big hug Becky. My heart is heavy and I am sending you my warmest wishes for your every moment of sadness, praying that you will heal and recover.


  4. As you say, each grief journey is different. You will find your way in your own time, Becky, as you should. I’m glad for all the support you’re getting and I think of you often, even if from a great distance!


  5. Take your time and find your way through it. Everyone’s journey is different and unique. It can’t and shouldn’t be hurried. The world will be here when you are ready for it. Take care of yourself.


  6. You are so right every grief journey is unique. Honor yourself and pamper yourself when you can. We will are all here in heart and spirit. Lots of energy and hugs going your way. 😀


  7. Your words are true, Becky, and I’m happy to read that you have such a support group. That makes all the difference, even though it doesn’t make your grief less. Since you last posted, I found my dad on the floor unresponsive in the morning when I came with his groceries. He died two days later. Although it’s different because he was 93 and ready to go, it wasn’t the way I’d hoped it would happen! Just a tiny point of contact with you and a bit of understanding of grief.



  8. Absolutely right, Becky. Everybody experiences grief differently, and most importantly, you do need time, your own time, to manage it.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Absolutely. You are young, hon, and never expected to have to rebuild your life so early. Lean on anyone that makes you feel better, Becky. I know there are plenty of willing helpers but they cannot replace Robert. You will find your own way, given time. Sending hugs and much love 🤗💗

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Jo that means a lot, and I have also been in touch with Chris. He has left comments on posts and I had not been online for a few days – but have now connected. So thanks again


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