175 thoughts

    1. Exciting news – I now know thanks to the sweetheart of the fabulous Susan (Rushton) it is a pink locust tree – some form of Robinia (yet to be determined whether it is an acacia, ambigua, hispida, pseudoacacia, viscosa or another)


    1. Ooh you have me intrigued about your flowers – be there shortly. I am just catching up on comments this morning as not been online since this time yesterday!


  1. In Spring everything is allowed. Even pink, lol! In nature every combination looks good! Jesh. I might join you sometime with a square:)

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Great! Becky, I have a question. What is your complete http-adress for the square?
        I tried ” …./bright-square “, but it does not bring me there.


      2. Changes daily, so there will be the date in there too plus a number at the end to reflect which square it is. Number is same as date


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