Just in case you are not one of the sixty four who have already joined me, I thought I’d mention it is a Squares month and I am sharing squares daily. I would love it if more of you joined us, and the great news is that it is okay to join us weekly or even just pop in occasionally with your squares. Around thirty of us square daily, but there are no hard fast rules on frequency of your squares. All I do ask is that your image has 4 equal sides, and that it reflects the theme of bright.

And it is not just your squares and pingbacks I like to see, I also love receiving comments from squarers and non-squarers alike. If you have time today do also try and find a few minutes to visit at least one other squarer. Together we can support each other and be;

sparkling, polished, shining, clever, cheerful, colourful, astute, brilliant, sunny, glorious, translucent, distinct and clear

PS and if you do square please don’t forget to use the tag BrightSquare, as that way everyone can find you in the reader even when WP hides some of us which it seems to be doing these days.

153 thoughts

    1. You are an essential part of this community, you help make it what it. And you have been here since the beginning 🙂

      and you are right it is quite amazing the variety of photographs and interpretation of the themes.

      Liked by 1 person

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