31 thoughts

  1. It’s a great photo, Becky. You have really captured his confusion.
    But I am disappointed by your devotion – you should have popped him in your bag and flown him back to the States 😉

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  2. I’m not too sure how accurate the nocturnal description is. I suspect that it’s more a member of the heron and bittern family that is active at night. The related night herons are active during the day and my various Green Heron sightings have all been daytime.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well I don’t see how they can be nocturnal when they’re known for using leaves and twigs as fishing lures. They would need daylight for that type of hunting.

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      2. I’ve seen reference to them being nocturnal that then described the species as being one of the few tool using birds. I can’t see how they hunt at night or avoid predators in the dark. I suspect that it’s more to do with them being active at dawn and dusk. Then they’re not competing with larger herons and egrets.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Crepuscular makes sense, maybe the references we have come across have been using nocturnal in place of crepuscular


      4. Or they’re simply used inaccurate or outdated data. I long ago stopped paying attention to range/distribution maps for bird species. I suspect climate change is changing some species range quite dramatically. If birds are changing their range they could be changing their feeding behaviour as there could be different factors involved in finding food.

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      5. The rapid change in distribution maps is extraordinary – anything more than 10 years old now is so out of date. And very good point about impact on feeding behaviours too

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    1. My reaction too, and yet all the twitchers were just terribly excited about ticking it off on their list!

      Thank you for your lovely comment 😊

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