How are you getting on with preparing for next month’s #timesquare?

Time and Tide

My photograph today is, I hope, a helpful reminder that whilst I am looking forward to seeing lots of square time-pieces next month for #timesquare you don’t have to attempt to photograph thirty-one clocks or watches. You are welcome to think out of the box for this challenge. In fact I encourage it! So here are some ideas to help you prepare;

  • Time & tide wait for no man (or woman!)
  • A stitch in time saves nine
  • Early bird catches the worm
  • In the nick of time
  • More haste, less speed

But please don’t share your ideas just yet! This 31day challenge doesn’t start until Saturday 1st December. Frequency of posts is entirely up to you and the tag is #timesquare. And the only rule is that your main photograph must be square.

22 thoughts

      1. Since it has been such rotten weather and I have been confined to the house I went archive hunting and found quite a few that might work. Lots of clocks too in fact!

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    1. Hee hee! I think I’ll be ok, have found about 28 in the archives which are all ok, so feeling pretty relaxed about finding some new ones. Must though make time to upload them all!! Time is so precious 🙂

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